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 Our free spreadsheet will help you figure it out!

 Ready to start outsourcing like a pro and growing your photography business? Sign up now to download our free spreadsheet!

But how do you know which tasks to outsource and how much to pay yourself for the ones you keep?

With this spreadsheet, you can:

• Conduct a time study to track your hours and identify which tasks are taking up too much of your time
• Categorize your tasks into "must-do" vs. "outsourceable" categories
• Estimate the number of hours each task takes and the dollar amount you should pay yourself for each task
• Braindump all the tasks you do in a week and easily categorize them based on their importance and outsourcing potential
• Print out the spreadsheet for easy reference and updating as your business grows

We've even included fun job titles, like "Latte Artist" for a Starbucks barista or "Hair Whisperer" for a hair stylist, to help you name your own roles in terms of importance and pay scale. Whether you're a "Min Wage Latte Artist" or a "CEO Hair Whisperer," this spreadsheet will help you determine which tasks are worth your time and which ones you should outsource to a VA.

    For tips and updates follow me on Insta @yourva4aday

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